Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dishwashers and Farm Managers!

Back in the 50's an energetic, young couple began their farming life near Jarvis, Ontario.  There was nothing easy about this life except the love they had for animals and land.  Work was something neither husband nor wife shied away from and over the years they put in way to many hours of work.  Kids came along - 7 of them and they all worked too, maybe the older ones more than the younger but looking at them now, I know they all have the same work ethic.  They did what they had to do.  And made time for fun - Saturday afternoon soccer games in the yard, picnics and the odd camping experience.  Sundays were restful days for worship, visiting and playing games.  They did it well!  Many times we have benefited from their hard work on our farm, wisdom from questions they answered, encouragement to keep on and fun times with the whole family.  And guess what?  It just keeps on going.  Many people have built in dishwashers and permanent farm managers.  This week on our farm we have a 'move in' dishwasher and a temporary farm manager.  Enjoy them with me!

My mother-in-law, Rita Stam doing what she does so well.  She's a helper at all times and here she always says, "I will do the dishes!"  Besides this she waters all my plants outside, assists with meals, and tidies everything up.  Am I blessed, or what!?

This is the man my Mother-in-law has lived with for over 60 years!  They work and laugh together.  My father-in-law, Bert Stam loves to see the farm in action and when Henry sits in the house too long he says, "Get to work!"  And every good son always does what his dad tells him to do! 

It will be a short visit with them here in Manitoba BUT it is worth every minute!

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