Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dishwashers and Farm Managers!

Back in the 50's an energetic, young couple began their farming life near Jarvis, Ontario.  There was nothing easy about this life except the love they had for animals and land.  Work was something neither husband nor wife shied away from and over the years they put in way to many hours of work.  Kids came along - 7 of them and they all worked too, maybe the older ones more than the younger but looking at them now, I know they all have the same work ethic.  They did what they had to do.  And made time for fun - Saturday afternoon soccer games in the yard, picnics and the odd camping experience.  Sundays were restful days for worship, visiting and playing games.  They did it well!  Many times we have benefited from their hard work on our farm, wisdom from questions they answered, encouragement to keep on and fun times with the whole family.  And guess what?  It just keeps on going.  Many people have built in dishwashers and permanent farm managers.  This week on our farm we have a 'move in' dishwasher and a temporary farm manager.  Enjoy them with me!

My mother-in-law, Rita Stam doing what she does so well.  She's a helper at all times and here she always says, "I will do the dishes!"  Besides this she waters all my plants outside, assists with meals, and tidies everything up.  Am I blessed, or what!?

This is the man my Mother-in-law has lived with for over 60 years!  They work and laugh together.  My father-in-law, Bert Stam loves to see the farm in action and when Henry sits in the house too long he says, "Get to work!"  And every good son always does what his dad tells him to do! 

It will be a short visit with them here in Manitoba BUT it is worth every minute!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some beauty in a sea of green!

I just love this garden.  Early this spring when the ground was still a wee frozen, I made nicely asked the guys to pull out some old tall cedar bushes that had made this bed their home for the last dozen years or so.  They kindly did this for me, removing first the tops and the roots later when the ground thawed out.  That allowed me to begin working in this little plot! Here I have planted carrots, lettuce, kale, cabbage, beans, peas, tomatoes.  We are greened up with zucchini having enough shredded in the freezer, shared with others, eaten raw and bbqed.  The beans are producing lots these days and the massive cherry tomato which I started inside in February (far right) has been providing us with sweet fruits since early July. Today I picked 27 little gems off of that one plant! 

In the middle of all that green are the beautiful flowers that bloom away here.  This is something I owe to my sister, Julie who inspired me to do this.  She has the most beautiful gardens in Toronto and when she was telling me about the packages of zinnias she plants everywhere I thought to myself, 'I could do that right here!'  So I did. 

My mom loved to garden and though I don't remember working in her gardens, it seems that we have all inherited a love for plants.  Correct me, sibs, if I am wrong.


This will burst into glorious colour right in my sea of green!


Isn't God's creation amazing?  What intricate details he puts into beautiful zinnias.  And if He thinks so much of these flowers, think of how much he loves you!  Go ahead and marvel - it does your heart good!

I just found this - obviously never posted it as it's in the drafts folder.  But it will be one of our great memories of having Dave and Kristin farming with us!


Even though we have a dairy farm and find ourselves very busy with their care, horses are pretty important to some of the people who dwell on this farm.  Our girls have horses that they love and enjoy riding or taking out for walks.  Sarah, one of our daughter-in-laws, has a horse here too and she often helps our girls work their horses or goes riding with them.  And then we have Fina, the horse imitating, fun loving little  two year old.  She can nicker, neigh and swing her head like a horse. And when she can't visit the real horses or act like one, she is busy playing with horses.  Her Papa A even got her a beautiful rocking pony for Christmas.  And when she comes here, she plays with Kierra and Dayna's playmobil horses and their riders.  Enjoy some horse photos from around the farm.

Fina playing with the horses at our house. 

Fina enjoys watching "My Little Pony" with her horses.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A huge blessing!

Today marks the beginning of a whole new era for the housewife over here.  A joyful beginning.  After trudging out to the line on which to hang clothes two times over the past two weeks and coming back in with snow inside my knee high boots I called it a truce.  No more hanging stuff out until that white stuff is gone.  At the rate of it's current decline that may be in mid-May!  BUT then one day I ventured out my front door - you know, the one that is in my back yard?   Well, what a blessing that has turned out to be.  For outside that door is one of those concrete steps and I had the very BRIGHT idea that we could put a clothesline up next to that stoop.  And although that idea is now only a few days old, guess what is outside my office window?  YES, clothes - on a new line.  Henry thought my idea was good and passed the information along to Jake, who works for us.  And he must have thought it a fun job to take up some of his time for he began the project immediately.  And after a couple waits for someone to take the trip into town for the little winch thing and the wheels for turning the whole thing is together and working!!  At lunch time today I noticed it was up and IMMEDIATELY went to throw a load into the laundry.  It is so nice!  It is so beautiful.  It is so wonderful.  I can't wait to take it off the line and smell it as I fold it.  I can't wait to wash my sheets and hang them out so I can sleep on them. 
There is a slight problem that could arise with this sun loving line.  Just to the right of the photo is an enormous Manitoba maple that is strapped together to keep it from splitting.  Another of my desires is to have that tree vanish.  It provides lovely shade but considering the fact that I have about 50 other trees that provide that same thing, I am wishing this one gone.  Once it has left I can plant some vegetables along the front of my house - you know, in my back yard!  What a bonus.  It wouldn't be proper to put vegetables there if it was my truly front yard.  But since it is only the front of my house but my back yard, this would be very acceptable for me.  How does one convince a farmer to chop down a very large tree next to his house when he is not a tree climbing or tree cutting fellow?  Anyone looking for a fun job?  I promise to feed you and give you a wonderful bed in which to sleep!
I took this photo through the glass of my front door and the next one from on my precious little stoop.

                                     It thrills me just to look at the photos!  Yippee for me!