Sunday, June 10, 2012

Making Hay While the Sun Shines!

It was great weather for making hay this past week.  We weren't as 'on the ball' as we should have been but we did get a great start on the process and are well over half way!!

This is our Mo-Co which is the mower conditioner that cuts the hay in the field.  It is a great machine and was well prepared for work this spring by our mechanic.
Once that hay has dried some we pull out the big forage harvester and get at it.  Dave spent nights pouring over the harvester manual so as to know which knob did what.  He did a super job getting that machine to run continually through the few days we harvested this week.
This photo is bigger so you can maybe squint really good and notice that the son is harvesting with his dad and his own son in the cab with him.

After the trucks dump the hay into the bunk, David G. does his work by pushing the fresh greens onto the pile in the right spot so that he can then

get up on that monster machine and pack, pack, pack that feed into the bunk.  The bunk walls are lined with the plastic that will cover the feed to prevent spoilage.  So we have about 200 acres done and another 140 to go.
Horray for hay!

1 comment:

Diane Dickson said... little square bails...that's way too easy!!!!