Thursday, January 31, 2008

sunny days

{Hannah writes}

I think the question I am most often asked in regards to my family is: "Are they settling into their new house?"

I think the correct answer would be: "Yes."

I'm also not sure how much I can say. I am only there once or twice a week and can't necessarily tell you how settled they are or aren't. {I can't ever seem to remember which kitchen drawer holds the serving spoons, for example, so perhaps I am not quite settled in their new house.}

On Sunday past, the weather was above freezing, making it rather nice to be outside. Dad took Kierra & Dayna out on the four-wheeler and was eventually joined by myself, Dave, Cadence, Chris and his friend Scott. Here are a few pictures from that afternoon.

It should also be noted that when I was my turn to be pulled on the GT, it was Kierra who managed to dump me in the snow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all this snow looks beautiful!!
i heart you stam family!