Guys like to know about barns, equipment and stuff. Not house stuff or even the yard. That's all very essential but there just isn't a 'need to know' about that kind of thing. So this post is for some of the guys who 'need to know' about the 'real' stuff. Not that the other stuff isn't get the idea!
Today is devoted to the barn. Maybe equipment tomorrow or next week. We have special company coming this weekend so I won't have time to think about blogging. And just the fact that I am able to do this here and there - it means that I am enjoying life with my head above calmer waters. A couple weeks ago...yikes was it rough and busy. I never thought I would say this but I am thankful for cell phones. I think Henry and I talk more on the phone than at home. We really do have to start milking together sometime!
Across from our lovely little house - out the front door which is really the back door. Let me explain that before I go any farther. This dear little bungalow is a very normal bungalow except that you enter the garage from the back of the house - which makes sense since there is no driveway coming to the front of the house. Which also means that when you come over to visit, if you wanted to enter the front door you would have to walk around the house to find it. We have used it seldom. Any visitors have all used our back door. And don't they say that 'back door guests are best'? I will stick with that.
Back to the barn. Here is the view that you have when you come up the driveway. Just beyond the 4-wheeler is the driveway to our house. The office and milkhouse are in the section just to the left of the little white door and the milking parlour is in the hiproof section.
In the parlour at milking time you will see many cows and also some people milking - this is Corni, one of our regular milkers hard at work.
It's kind of hard to see the cows since all you get to see is the lower backside where we milk them between the back legs! It's all new to me.
These girls are all waiting their turn to be milked.
Storage for feed -next 3 photos. Please don't ask what's in them.
The next storage unit is one the cows fill up and we work to empty. The ones above, we work to fill and they empty!!
Inside the barn - we don't have a manger that the guys drive into to unload the feed but we have a conveyor that the feed goes onto and gets dropped down into the manger. The guys then use a skidsteer to push up the feed every couple hours. Here you can see Henry and Dave discussing something feed-related while the conveyor finishes delivering the ration for the cows to eat.
Here is a view of the back of the barn where you can see Dave is unloading the feed. Also notice the fans - this is how they ventilate the barns here in Manitoba as the winter makes it too cold to have side curtains. So far it has been very nice in the barn.
Heifer facilites. First photo is of the heifers and the dry cows. Next is of the heifers of breeding age or a bit younger and then a pen of younger heifers.
a little dark but a large field with small shelter and several feeders - and lots of cows. I will try another photo of this sometime in more daylight hours - this is early morning! |
All the younger heifers and calves are in the main barn. Right now we don't have too many of these which makes it simpler for me to get a handle on feed and care.
That's enough for a day don't you think? What else do you want to see?